Recycling Near You - Other Waste Services in the Shire of Esperance area

Other waste

Other Waste Services in the Shire of Esperance area

Below is more information from your local Council to help you further reduce your waste and impact on our environment.

All E-waste drop off, including TVs - Wylie Bay Waste Facility, Landfill Rd, Bandy Creek. Small items such as mobiles, household globes and household batteries can be dropped off at the following places: Shire Administration Building - Windich St, Esperance. Library - Windich Street, Esperance. Please do not drop off large items or large volumes to Shire Administration or Library- these items will need to be dropped off to the Wylie Bay Waste Facility.

Contact details

Georgia Ryan

08 9071 0666

Shire of Esperance website