Recycling Near You - Other Waste Services in the Waverley Council area

Other waste

Other Waste Services in the Waverley Council area

Below is more information from your local Council to help you further reduce your waste and impact on our environment.

Return and Earn

Return and Earn is part of the NSW Governments commitment to reducing litter volume in NSW by 40 per cent by 2020.

Consumers can exchange an eligible container at an approved collection point to receive a 10 cent refund per container. Containers should be empty, uncrushed, unbroken and with the original label attached.

Mattress recycling

Waverley Council offers free mattress recycling for our residents. You can call our Customer Service Centre on 9083 80o0 to organise a free Your Call collection. Each Waverley household is entitled to two free Your Call Collections of household items each calendar year, plus a free scheduled clean up collection.

There is a limit of 2 mattresses per collection and the mattresses will be collected for recycling 24 hours after our cleanup crew has visited the property.

Your mattresses are picked up and recycled by Soft Landing - Mission Australia NSW.

Household problem waste drop-off

Waverley Council provides a range of options for residents to responsibly dispose of priority problem wastes for free, including various collection points. Click on the bold "Household Problem Waste Drop-Off" above to visit the councils website for more details.

Contact details

Online Customer Service

02 9083 8000

Waverley Council website