Recycling Near You - Other Waste Services in the Muswellbrook Shire Council area

Other waste

Other Waste Services in the Muswellbrook Shire Council area

Below is more information from your local Council to help you further reduce your waste and impact on our environment.

Council offers toner cartridge recycling facilities at the Adminstration Centre, 157 Maitland St, Muswellbrook during office hours.

Sustainable Futures Program

Visit the councils Sustainable Futures Facebook page to find out how YOU can become involved with projects relating to sustainability -

A large part of Council’s Sustainable Futures Program is The Sustainability Hub. The Hub, located on Wilkinson Ave, Muswellbrook. A number of community groups hold a variety of events at the Hub.

Muswellbrook Shire Council’s Sustainability Unit manage the Hub but rely heavily on community support. Visit

Sustainable Schools Support Program

Ask us about the free tailored activities the SUSTAINABLE SCHOOLS SUPPORT PROGRAM offers to your school. The program can include presentations, workshops, demonstrations, audits, special events, tours and more! Visit the councils website to learn more.

Contact details

Muswellbrook Waste Management Facility

02 6549 3852

Muswellbrook Shire Council website