Other Waste Services in the Hornsby Shire Council area
Below is more information from your local Council to help you further reduce your waste and impact on our environment.
The Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre (CRC) makes it easy for residents to safely dispose of problem wastes that cannot go into household garbage bins or kerbside collection. This is a free service for households. Residents can drop off the following items for FREE: Gas bottles, fire extinguishers, paints, aerosols, motor oils, other oils, fluoroscent globes and tubes, smoke detectors, ink cartridges, household batteries, car batteries, soft plastics, flatenned cardboard, electronic waste, mobile phones and clothing. CHIPPING DAYS Free green waste chipping days, take home free mulch from your chipped branches and twigs. For more information about chipping days call Council's Waste Hotline 9847 4856 or visit www.hornsby.nsw.gov.au
Contact details
Waste Hotline
02 9847 4856