
Recycling infrastructure receives a boost in South Australia

By Liam Taylor 25 January 2021

South Australia’s recycling infrastructure will receive a $45 million investment boost as both the Federal and State government look to improve recycling outcomes in the state.

Under the plan, both the SA and Federal government would each contribute $15 million towards the fund. Industry must commit an additional $15 million in order for the government contributions towards expanding recycling infrastructure to be received. The Federal contribution is to be drawn from the $190 million Recycling Modernisation Fund, which was announced midway through last year.

Expressions of interest are currently being south from industry, local government and non-government organisations. If successful, grant applicants will be able to expand existing businesses or establish new infrastructure developments as long as they commit to at least one third of the project’s cost. A particular focus will be given to technologies that make recycling more energy and cost efficient.

“The funding in South Australia will be focusing on partner projects that are investigating new technology and equipment related to mixed plastics reprocessing, improving the recovery and separation of soft plastics, and increasing glass re-manufacturing,” SA Environment Minister David Speirs said in a statement.

“Unlocking the potential in these materials and keeping resources circulating through our economy increases our resilience to supply chain challenges and creates local jobs while also benefiting our environment.”

"We've got this opportunity to say to the private sector — and it's often councils that form those conglomerations around recycling and waste management — tell us your ideas.”

"We can get good technology, get innovation in place, create jobs here and set up industries that recycle."

South Australia currently diverts almost 84 per cent of its waste from landfill and more than 4,800 people are employed by the sector. From March 1, the state’s single-use plastic ban will also come into effect, which will initially take aim at straws and cutlery before expanding to include polystyrene items by 2022. 

Potential partners can submit an Expression of Interest now through Green Industries SA at

Liam Taylor
Prior to joining Planet Ark Liam spent his time studying global environmental issues, travelling Southeast Asia on the cheap and working for a sustainable property management company in Bali, Indonesia. Joining the communications team at Planet Ark, he hopes to inspire positive environmental behaviour through effective and positive messaging.
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