These lessons are fun, engaging and highly interactive, ensuring that students will learn the importance of our natural resources and how some organisations, like BINGO, are helping manage various waste streams on a large scale. Simply click on the lesson for your year level and it will take you to the Cool.org site where you can download it for free.
For more information on the BINGO's sustainability initiatives, click here.

Years 3 & 4
Curriculum: Design and Technology
Students use design thinking to empathise with an audience and define their needs. This will then help to inform the upcycled timber design they will then work to create. Students will use the needs of the identified user to ideate and prototype a design. Students describe how people design products, services and environments to meet the needs of people, including sustainability.
For more information, on the BINGOS's resource recovery initiative, click here.

Years 5 & 6
Curriculum: Design and Technology, English
Students will create an elevator pitch aimed at a local organisation to support the circular economy and use of recycled materials in the construction industry. Students will create media to explain the circular economy and are able to justify why the building industry should be using recycled materials.
For more information, on the BINGOS's resource recovery initiative, click here.
Recycling a School
This is an interactive lesson conducted by our Planet Ark staff. It is suitable for students from year 2 to year 6.
These lesson plans have been aligned to Australian curriculum standards in collaboration with Cool.org