Kerbside Recycling Services in the Goulburn Mulwaree Council area
Below are the kerbside recycling services provided by your local Council.
Kerbside Service
Co-mingled recycling|240L|Yellow
Properties within collection zone
Accepted Materials
Glass Bottles and Jars
Aluminium Cans
Aluminium Foil
Office Paper
Envelopes Without a Window
Envelopes With a Window
Phone Books
Pizza Boxes (clean)
Egg Cartons
Steel Food Cans
Steel Paint Cans (empty)
Milk cartons (fresh, no foil lining)
Milk cartons (long-life, with foil lining)
Juice cartons (fresh, no foil lining)
Juice cartons (long-life, with foil lining)
Plastic Containers
Recycling Tips
Keep your recycling clean! Recycling isn't garbage. The best way to recycle your plastic shopping bags is to place them in the collection boxes outside of local supermarkets. Please DON'T put your recycling into plastic bags, as recycling is hand-sorted at Endeavour Industries and it is not safe for staff to open plastic bags.
Replacement Recycling Container
If you need a replacement kerbside recycling container, please contact Waste Info Line on (02) 4823 4417.