Many of us use the start of a new year to refresh our spaces as well as our goals. Whether you’re reviving your living space or writing resolutions, we have some tips to help you do so in a way that is great for the environment, your wallet and your wellbeing.
- If you’re renovating your home or yard, Bingo Industries are the experts in construction and demolition material recycling, with recovery rates of up to 85%! Search RecyclingNearYou to find your nearest pick up service.
- If you’re extending your living space or want to bring a bit more nature inside, consider responsibly sourced timber. Not only is it better for the environment than steel, brick or plastic, it offers health and wellbeing benefits too. Visit Make It Wood for a host of information about the value of wood for your home.

- Repair something as a Christmas present – repair cafes offer the opportunity to take something that’s only a few loose screws away from being usable.
- Visit a toy library, both to donate your old toys and to find ones, and stop non-recyclable toys from going to landfill.
- ‘Make do and mend’ could be your new mantra. Can your old tea towels or pillow cases be used as cleaning rags, or pet bedding? Does something need a few stiches, a patch or some superglue to give it new life?
- If passing on your old mobile phone, check out MobileMuster’s data management tips.
- Find out what other Community Reuse Initiatives are available at RecyclingNearYou.

- Commit to BYO! A great place to start is the big 3: reusable shopping bags, reusable drink bottle, and reusable coffee cup. Reminders can help when getting started e.g. putting green bags in the car or by the front door. Getting into a routine by placing reusable water bottles and coffee cups in the same place – next to your wallet for example - means this goal will become a habit in no time.
- Commit to recycling right! Search RecyclingNearYou for helpful, localised information and remember to look out for the Australasian Recycling Label on products!
- Setting realistic goals is important for being able to maintain lifestyle changes. If feeling overwhelmed, try tackling just one area.

Who can help?
Check out our other Holiday Hacks for Living Large with a Small Footprint