Planet Ark Recycling Near You - Council Clean Up/Hard Rubbish Collection in the Camden Council area


Council Clean Up/Hard Rubbish Collection in the Camden Council area

This page details a range of materials that will be periodically collected by your Council.


At-call Kerbside collection

Twice a Year

All Residential Properties

Accepted Materials

Household Furniture


Additional Items
  • Whitegoods with the doors removed Hot water systemsDismantled metal play equipmentLawnmowersVegetation and pruning must be tied in secure bundles with natural stringBundles less than 60cm in diametre and one (1) metre in length
  • Additional Information

    A booking must be made with Council prior to putting material on the kerbside. Separate the general waste, whitegoods and the green waste into three different piles. Tie the green waste with natural string. Please make sure the piles are neat and can be easily handled by 2 people. And remember, only 3 cubic metres in total.

    Materials Not Accepted




    Vehicle Tyres


    Vehicle Batteries

    Other Materials Not Accepted
  • Building materialFood wasteAgricultural equipmentLoose/unbundled garden wasteWhite goods with the doors still on

  • For more information contact:
    Customer Service
    02 4654 7777